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                ABOUT JAME

                JAME is a comprehensive high-tech development enterprise integrating R & D, design, manufacturing, sales and service. It was established in 2006 and headquartered in Shenzhen. It is one of the famous mobile intelligent terminal Accessories Companies in China. The company is mainly engaged in the R & D, sales and brand operation of global high-end electronic accessories products. The best-selling products include mobile phone case, tablet computer case, other 3C products, etc. Its products have received global attention·········

                • MISSION


                  Make employees worthy of respect
                  vAnd happy people

                • VISION


                  Become a global mobile intelligent terminal
                  Accessories industry leader

                • CORE VALUE

                  CORE VALUE

                  Pursuit of excellence and good interpersonal relationship
                  Extreme truth seeking and extreme transparency
                  Extremely open mind and determination to fight to the end